Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wine, water, fuel wars in Finger Lakes


• From PRI: Public Radio International

With the glut of natural gas from the fracking boom, the energy industry is digging deep for new ways to store it. 

There already are more than 400 underground storage facilities across the U.S. in places such as old mines and depleted aquifers. But still more storage is needed, and now some residents and businesses in the Finger Lakes area of New York have found themselves tangled in a long-term standoff with Crestwood Equity Partners, which owns a vast underground storage facility in the region.

More than 100 wineries, distilleries, and breweries are nestled in and around the Finger Lakes area. Their business pours brews (and dollars) into one of the area’s major industries: tourism, which is worth $3 billion annually and employs close to 60,000 people in the region. ...

Some people who live and work around Finger Lakes are concerned about a big thing affecting their business -- namely, a proposal to store fuels below Seneca Lake, the region’s largest lake. In 2009, the company that’s now Crestwood Equity Partners submitted plans, currently under consideration by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, to store propane, butane and natural gas in the salt caverns deep beneath Seneca Lake.

Go here for the full story.

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